Each year Arts Rutherglen presents a prominent literary figure at a Literary Lunch. Past events have featured incredible presenters including artist H. Fish, comedian & author Wendy Harmer, author Libby Hathorn, author Shane Maloney and crime writer Sulari Gentill.
Arts Rutherglen had the great pleasure of hosting Frank Prem, poet and story teller extraordinaire, in an afternoon’s immersion into his life’s experiences through verse. The simple images he evoked in his readings were the stuff of touching memories.
Frank Prem Poetry, Pictures and Publishing Workshop
Sunday 16 June 2024
The eloquent Frank Prem is returning to Rutherglen to conduct a Writing Workshop using photographs.
Time: 1.30 – 4.30pm
Cost: $55/pp or $50/pp for Arts Rutherglen members
Venue: Senior Citizens Centre, 12 Douglas Street, Rutherglen
Buy tickets: www.trybooking.com/CRUCH
In the workshop, participants will discuss the role of pictures/images/illustrations in writing, undertake a writing exercise utilising images and discuss personal publishing.
Frank will also be running sessions about his work in Beechworth if members are keen to attend. Visit these websites for more information:
Our next Literary event
A Story Telling By Aunty Trish
Join us for an afternoon of story telling Arts Rutherglen is proud to celebrate the works of Aunty Trish Cerminara on Yorta Yorta Country by the banks of ‘Sunday Creek’ at Pfeiffers Winery. Aunty Maggih will welcome us to country followed by the creation of a keepsake with Aunty Trish. We then come together on the yarning mat to journey with two adventurous boys through the bush. Natures wonders, cultural connections and mythical stories told by their Ancestors guide them. An encounter of a mythical Dreamtime event with a twist. Book your tickets: www.trybooking.com/CWBJG
Past Literary events
Frank Prem Workshop
Frank Prem Poetry, Pictures and Publishing Workshop Sunday 16 June 2024 The eloquent Frank Prem is returning to Rutherglen to conduct a Writing Workshop using photographs.
Thank you Frank Prem
Arts Rutherglen had the great pleasure of hosting Frank Prem, poet and story teller extraordinaire, in an afternoon’s immersion into his life’s experiences through verse.
A Poetry Reading by Frank Prem – 27 Aug
Arts Rutherglen invites you to the August Voice “Free Verse Should Sing” on Sunday 27th August 2-4pm, at Caffeine n’ Machine, Rutherglen. Come on a